Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 (2013) The Regional Equity Atlas is an ambitious project to support a stronger, more prosperous region. Using maps, policy analysis, community based research, and other tools, the Atlas assesses how well different populations across the four-county Portland metro region can access key resources necessary for meeting their basic needs and advancing their health and well-being. By illuminating the region’s geography of opportunity, the Atlas is a powerful tool for promoting greater regional equity. |
In a white paper entitled “Economic Recovery as a Transformative Opportunity” (2009), CLF lays out principles and criteria that we believe should guide decisions on how to invest to create equitable, sustainable communities that foster a decent quality of life for everyone. |
In a report entitled “Shift the Balance on Transportation" (2008), CLF analyzes Metro’s draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update, which sets the region’s direction for long-range transportation planning. The report touts the strong aspirations but critiques the lack of accountability to ensure that transportation investments meet the region’s goals for healthy and vibrant communities, widely shared economic prosperity, equity, environmental stewardship, climate change, and safe and reliable transportation for all. | |
The Original Regional Equity Atlas (2007) measures access to opportunities such as good jobs, real transportation choices, safe and stable housing, and a good education. |
Neighborhood Food Network Report. This report, completed in 2003 by the Coalition for a Livable Future's Food Policy Working Group, uses participatory survey methods to identify barriers to accessing nutritious foods for low-income neighbors in North and Northeast Portland. |
Displacement: The Dismantling of a Community — A Report on the Effects of Rising Housing Costs on Lower-Income Residents of the Portland Region. (1999). | |
Portland Metropolitics: A Regional Agenda for Community and Stability by Myron Orfield (1998).