Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 Outreach and Education

Since the release of Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 in June 2013, CLF has engaged thousands of stakeholders across the region in a multipronged outreach and education process:

  • Equity atlas release: Released Equity Atlas 2.0 at a celebratory public event followed by an online release via email and social media to a wide range of partners and stakeholders.

  • Educational materials: Developed educational materials about Regional Equity Atlas 2.0, including a brochure (PDF) and introductory workshop (PDF), as well as technical training materials such as a user guide (PDF) and training curriculum.

  • Workshops and trainings: Shared the mapping tool and findings with stakeholders across the region through workshops and trainings that involved more than 3,000 participants from government agencies, advocacy groups, nonprofits, health systems, and community-based organizations. 

  • Equity Stories Project: Engaged community members from organizations across the region in an Equity Stories Project to highlight the everyday experiences behind the patterns shown in the maps and connect people who are affected by regional inequities to the project in a deeper way.

  • White papers: Launched an ongoing white paper series that engages partner organizations in analyzing key Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 topics in greater depth to place the equity atlas within a broader policy context.

  • Policy change: Supported community organizations and government agencies in using the Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 to inform regional policies, planning, and strategic investments. (Click here for examples.)