Other Data

This page provides additional data that are important from an equity perspective but could not be included in the Equity Atlas 2.0 mapping tool because they are not available at a sufficient level of spatial resolution to enable them to be mapped.

Most of the data are presented as county-level summary data (for Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, and Clark counties) and are also disaggregated by race within each county. Analyzing data by race is important for understanding equity conditions, but these data are typically not available at a sufficient spatial resolution to map. Any Atlas indicators that could be disaggregated by race are included here, along with other equity-related data that were not available at smaller than a county-level geography.


The following tables and maps show the African and Slavic populations of the four-county metro area summarized by Public Use Microdata Area (a census geography). These populations are included in the Equity Atlas 2.0 demographic maps, but their identities are masked by the way they are defined by the Census race categories. The Slavic community is officially counted as white while the African community is officially counted as African American. These categorizations subsume the unique experiences of these immigrant communities.

  • African Population by Public Use Microdata Area
  • Slavic Population by Public Use Microdata Area

Economic Opportunity






The Gini coefficient is a numerical statistic used to measure income inequality. The Gini coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents perfect equality in income distribution and 1 represents total inequality. This table shows the Gini coefficient for each of the counties in the region.

Additional county-level summary data for the four-county Portland-Vancouver metro region is available through the Greater Portland Pulse project.

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