Take Action To Finally Defeat the Risky Columbia River Crossing

Event Date: 
February 12, 2014 - 12:00am to March 6, 2014 - 12:00am


The Oregon legislature is currently considering whether to fund a risky Oregon-only version of the Columbia River Crossing freeway expansion in the 2014 legislative session.
Please contact your legislator to ask them to Vote NO on this risky proposal.

Now that the Washington legislature has rejected the CRC, project proponents are pushing a new, Oregon-only plan.  Major projects like this typically go over budget, and Oregon would have to raid its transportation fund to pay for any cost over-runs and shortfalls in revenue.  The plan also leads to huge traffic diversion to I-205, strangling local streets as well as the freeway and leading to safety and air quality impacts. For more information about the risks of the current plan, see this terrific report by 1000 Friends of Oregon.
You can help!  As the legislature debates funding the risky Oregon-only CRC, they need to hear from constituents that they should vote NO on the CRC.
Click here to find your Oregon senator and representative, and ask them to vote NO on the CRC.

You can also speak to legislators at a hearing:  TODAY, February 12, 3:00 PM

There is a hearing on the CRC bill before the House Transportation and Economic Development Committee at 3 PM at the State Capitol, Hearing Room E.

The bill is HB 4113 (the link has info about upcoming hearings, bill language, etc).  The current language is just a placeholder, and the proposed -3 amendment has the language about CRC. 

Governor Kitzhaber says he’ll abandon the CRC if the Oregon Legislature doesn’t recommit to it in the next month.  With your help we can stop the CRC at the legislature and move forward with better transportation solutions.  Thank you for contacting your legislator!