How Equity Atlases Support Policy Change

The power of equity atlases to advance policy change is illustrated by the following examples from CLF’s Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 during the first year since its release:

Click here for more examples of how CLF’s Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 is turning data into action.
  • Institutionalizing an equity lens within local government: The Portland metro area’s regional government is using Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 to help incorporate equity considerations into planning and decision-making related to regional growth management, regional transportation, and climate change mitigation strategies.
  • Shaping investment priorities: The Portland Bureau of Transportation used Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 data to create a decision-making framework to determine how to prioritize investments in street lighting upgrades.
  • Guiding system design: Multnomah County’s Schools Uniting Neighborhoods system is using Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 maps to assess shifting demographics in the county in order to guide the system’s planning and design of wraparound health, mental health, and social services to meet the needs of low-income families. 
  • Informing location decisions: The Washington County Women Infants and Children (WIC) program used Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 transit and demographic maps to inform the location of a new WIC office to ensure that low-income mothers and children have access to nutritious food. 
  • Supporting advocacy: The Community Alliance of Tenants, a grassroots tenants’ rights organization, is using the photos and videos that their members created as part of the Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 storytelling project to build support for a policy campaign to improve health conditions for low-income renters. 
  • Promoting policy change: The Oregon Public Health Institute and League of Oregon Cities are using Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 maps as part of the HEAL Cities Campaign to support changes to cities’ policy and planning priorities to promote healthy eating and active living.