Pros and Cons of Different Approaches

Each potential approach to the interpretive website has distinctive advantages and drawbacks. This page outlines the pros and cons of each of the four approaches profiled on the previous pages.
Approach Pros Cons
  • Easy to create and maintain
  • Makes the maps available in a neutral format for users to download and use as they wish
  • Lack of explanatory and interpretive information may make the maps less useful
    • Sponsor has little influence over how users apply or interpret the maps
    • Easy to create and maintain while providing more contextual information than the basic approach
    • Makes the maps available in a relatively neutral format
    • Lack of interpretation or analysis of the maps may make the maps less useful
      • Sponsor has limited influence over how users apply or interpret the maps
      • Serves as a flexible resource for a wide range of users
        • Provides an analytical framework for understanding the maps without prescribing the policy solutions 
        • Costly and time consuming to create and maintain 
        • Analysis must be updated whenever the data and maps are updated 
        Advocacy Oriented
        • Interpretation strategically frames the maps to maximize the equity atlas's policy impact
        • Action oriented
        • Stakeholders who do not agree with the advocacy framework may dismiss the maps
          • Users may have difficulty applying the maps to other issues or uses