Indicators That Aren’t Mappable

Many important aspects of equity and opportunity do not have mappable data. Priority indicators that cannot be mapped can be incorporated into other components of your equity atlas project, such as those listed below.
  • Indicator lists: Key indicators that are critical to equity but are not mappable can be included in the project’s list of indicators along with information about why the indicator is important and why it was not included in the equity atlas maps.
    Click here to see examples of these strategies from CLF's Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 project.
  • Summary data: The interpretive website can include summary-level information for indicators that are not spatial in nature or do not have mappable data.
  • Storytelling: Storytelling and community-based participatory research can be used to capture qualitative information about equity issues.
  • White papers: White papers can combine an analysis of the equity atlas maps with additional data and research to provide insights into equity issues that aren’t fully captured in the maps.
  • Links to other research: The interpretive website can include links to supplemental research reports, case studies, and other relevant projects that address other dimensions of equity.